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Contracts for Stationers (and Introducing the Custom Stationery Contract!)

April 22, 2019

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custom-stationery-contract-contract-for-wedding-invtitations-Blog Thumbnails.png

If you are creating any sort of custom stationery for clients, then this contract is for YOU! We can’t wait for you to get your hands on it BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW MUCH YOU NEED IT. Seriously, we’ve been there and done that when it comes to working with clients, and we are here to tell you that you absolutely should be sending a real contract before you conduct any sort of business with a custom client.

The Custom Stationery Contract is designed as an easy-to-download word document, so you can change, edit and tweak the contract any way you need to before using it in your biz! We also made it a breeze to insert your own information with highlighted sections so you can start sending it to stationery clients ASAP.

Click here to get your copy now!

P.S. It was our goal to bring you a contract that was thorough, stationery-specific and affordable. This contract will cost you less than ½ of what other business are charging for their templates, and let’s be real: you can’t afford NOT to have a legal agreement that protects you.

A Note from Cami

Have you ever had a client come back with 479 changes, and you’re like WHOA NELLY, you are definitely not paying me enough for this.

It happens to all of us, and it’s called scope creep. (And YES, it is frustrating and VERY time-consuming.)

My first few invitation clients got nearly unlimited changes because I didn’t have clear expectations and boundaries within my contract. I did nothing to protect my time as an artist OR my style aesthetic, which left me feeling overwhelmed and cut into my profit margin.

GUYS, when I had a contract in place that was straight-forward and outlined what happened every step of the way in the design process, I didn’t have to referee my own fights. My contract protected my creative sanity, took the personal tension out of those weird “can you just paint one more thing” scenarios and made my relationships with my clients even BETTER.

Not having a robust agreement in place = scary conversations down the road when it comes to those tricky situations. These are things you WON’T get in a generic contract template because they just don’t know about sketches, design rounds and revisions, artistic style, feedback and proofs and the printing process.

Here’s something that will make you feel at ease: The Custom Stationery Contract not only protects your client’s interests, it protects you. I know the disheartening feeling of a client wanting new artwork or a total redesign and feeling helpless because your contract was too wishy-washy when it came to the creative process. I never want any of y’all to experience creative burnout from redoing one suite for a picky client 37 times. The Custom Stationery Contract LAYS DOWN THE LAW when it comes to proofing and your artistic style, and if that’s not enough to make you hit that “Add to Cart” button, then I don’t know what is!

The goal of a contract is to agree on as many what if scenarios as possible, so you know EXACTLY what to do when you your client doesn’t love a horse painting.

After all, you might as well be paid for it.

The Custom Stationery Contract will protect you in situations just like this with clauses that outline every nuance of the invitation design process and everything before and after too.

A Note from Elisabeth

Wedding stationery is expensive. It’s an INVESTMENT. Not only for your client, but for you as well because you’re most likely in charge of ordering all of their paper goods, ribbon, envelopes, stamps, (you name it), on their behalf.

That’s not easy on the wallet. I often spend $2,000 or more on materials alone for most of my couples (this includes everything that’s part of the suite).

And even more intense is the fact that certain print methods cost a butt-load of money to print such as *cough-cough* letterpress & foil printing.

There is NO WAY you want to be paying money out of your own pocket if a reprint is need. No freakin’ way.

My contract saved my booty when a client (with a letterpress suite) submitted the wrong time for an event on her details card… the cards were printed & in my studio by the she realized the mistake. And guess what?

I didn’t pay a single penny for that reprint! She had to cover the $500 reprint.

Can you imagine what I would’ve done if I didn’t have a contract in place? I probably would’ve caved and paid for the reprint. My contract was my rock & my saving grace.

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