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Learning Leads to Earning: Why You Should Be Investing in Your Business

May 21, 2019

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What separates a successful biz from a crappy one? Hard work and learning. It doesn’t mean that they don’t make mistakes; it’s that they learn from it. Prioritizing learning is the fast track to success, and we’re here to tell you why! Of course, there are a bajillion ways to learn something new for your biz, but at what point do you take the step to really invest in your business, your education and moving forward? And why is it so important? We break down the types of courses and education we spent our money on and why putting funds back into your business can lead to some serious ROI.

There are so AWESOME resources out there for small businesses, some of them are free but a lot of them are paid, so how the heck do you decide what you need to have and what you don’t need? At what point do you take the step to really invest in your business, your education and moving forward? And why is it so important?

You need to be gaining the skills and knowledge that can take your biz where you want it to be. Your biz will remain “stuck” unless you invest in continually learning. Continuing in your education is CRITICAL. And that is why we aim to be a lifelong learners

There are resources out there that are MADE and DESIGNED for you to grow your biz, and we can testify that paying for them is way better than asking all your business questions in a Facebook group. (If you are asking about pricing in a Facebook group, YOU NEED A COURSE.) It’s the difference between learning from the “best” or seeking social validation with 8,000 different opinions. If you want to be the best, learn from the best.

So why are we champions of putting money back into your biz through educational resources? You need to understand the ins and outs of your industry so you’re able to pivot when necessary and adapt quickly, stay ahead of the competition and run a streamlined business that is scalable and profitable.

Plus courses can be such an amazing source of inspiration, and they challenge you with new experiences, new ways to do things, new sources of information, new ideas, etc. It keeps you from becoming lazy in your biz and keeps the new ideas flowing. Be willing to question things and research it further. Digging deeper will separate you from the crowd, and cultivating your mind is crucial. Sure we’re all freaking busy, but this is one area where the self-starters get ahead because they have the competitive edge of wanting to learn more and prioritizing daily growth.

There are two types of learning that we recommend investing in:

  • Knowledge (reading a book, listening to a podcast, watching a course).

  • Skill (picking up a paintbrush, practicing calligraphy, practicing talking on camera, etc.)

The bottom line: There are seasons in your entrepreneurial journey where you need to be a sponge and take in as much knowledge as you can and then squeeze it all out into your own biz. Some stuff will work and some stuff won’t, but it’s important that you are aware of all the strategies, and you can perceptively filter what will work for you and your growing business. And then tweak and repeat!

What are some the best “investments” you’ve made in your biz?

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