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The Inside Scoop on Starting & Running a Podcast

August 2, 2019

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When we first started the podcast, we thought it would be way harder than it actually was! (We can’t stress this enough: Google is your friend!) We share our initial fears about being podcast hosts and our game plan for creating a podcast launch that was sustainable for both of us, plus the EXACT steps we took to get started and how you can do the same. We’ll also be talking about podcast equipment, how to host your podcast, the tech side of things, and why niching down in the podcast community can be the best way to grow.

We did a ton of research at the beginning to ensure we were doing everything correctly. 

Our main resources:

  1. Amy Porterfield

  2. Pat Flynn 

  3. Jenna Kutcher

  4. Google, google, google!

All these people had FREE resources that had already put out there to talk about starting a podcast. We seriously gobbled these up, and we recommend you do the same.

Our equipment:

Now down to the nitty-gritty: We followed a relatively linear approach when making sure we had everything lined up. These steps occurred BEFORE we had even recorded a single episode or submitted our podcast application to Apple:

  1. Decided on a name for the podcast.

  2. Decided who the podcast was TRULY for: stationers, artists, calligraphers, watercolor artists — you know, paper creatives!

  3. Created our cover art, Thank you Megan the Photographer for your amazing work!

  4. Tested our sound recording equipment & editing capabilities in Zencastr and Garage Band.

  5. Recorded the introduction for the Podcast.

  6. Developed a long list of potential topics, then picked the first five.

  7. Developed a plan for Q&Cake Episodes & how we would collect listeners questions.

  8. Determined where we would want the podcast made available & what day it would be released on.

  9. Chose a hosting platform. We went with Libsyn, as it seems to be the most established and trusted in the industry.

  10. Began submitting our test episode (episode 0) via our RSS feed to iTunes, etc. It was really fun to finally see it get approved and populate!

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