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hi there, We are biz birthday bash
We’re on a mission to help creatives like you — ambitious artists, calligraphers and stationers — get on the right path (and stay there!) so you can celebrate your biz birthday too.
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Get our top 100 tips & tricks
This free 15-page PDF includes the down-to-earth scoop on EXACTLY what you need to do to get your business running
(and keep it running).
Get yours delivered to your email inbox now! 
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Marketing tactics for a retail shop location
What I wish I knew about wholesale (Before I started wholesale)
Taking an intentional break from social media


Don’t miss out on:

  • Pricing strategies that are all about profit and not just pay.

  • 2 questions you need to be asking your clients that will make their experience freakin’ fabulous!

  • How to get client inquiries that aren’t just price shopping.

  • An SEO cheat sheet that doesn’t sound like gibberish.

  • An easy reference guide to our favorite printers and paper vendors.

  • Real-life examples of mistakes we’ve made and the lessons learned.

  • Specifics on how to run a money-making creative biz and not just overarching concepts.

  • And replays forever and ever!



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Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave.


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