
It’s Time for #OneaDayinMay

May 4, 2021

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The #oneadayinmay challenge is officially here! And do we want you to join in? DOES A ONE-LEGGED DUCK SWIM IN CIRCLES?! (That’s a HECK YES for you city folk out there.) So let’s do this thing together! Listen in to hear about how #oneadayinmay exploded the product side of Cami’s biz. Plus, catch all of the challenge deets and ideas that will help get you started. 

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How did #ONEADAYINMAY Come about?

Cami 2:54

Cat from kitty meow boutique. We love her. We were interviewing her out last year on the podcast. And she was talking about how she wanted to do a design Blitz. And she did like a design Blitz, where she designed a bunch of stuff really quickly, she was like, Oh my gosh, I was like, I want to try something like that. She’s like, you should do it for the month of May and be like one a day in May with candy Monday. And I was like, Oh my gosh, cat, you realize I have to do that now because it all rhymes. And I’m 100% going to do that. And so it just kind of spiraled from there. 

So last year, I made the challenge hashtag, #oneadayinmay and told everyone Hey, I’m going to design a new product every single day or paint something new every day, kind of it’s a very loose challenge. That’s kind of the fun of it. It’s kind of it’s not like super high pressure, but still a bit of a push. And so last year, that is exactly what I did in May, I think I took a couple days off when I was out of town or a couple of weekends off. But I literally designed something every single day. 

What #ONEADAYINMAY Taught Cami

Cami 3:54

To be quite honest, it was the turning point for my product business. It really helped me establish my design style, kind of come up with a few card templates, if you will just like this, you know, the little animals on the little white, like what what is it the ground like a little white ground with a colored backer like hot, really, really just took off like that little design started with one a day in May. And now I use that all the time to make greeting cards. So it kind of become this distinctive look. And none of this would have what wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t have the time to actually put in the effort to make something creative every day. 

How Cami is Approaching #ONEADAYINMAY This Year

Cami 7:42

I’m pretty much doing the same thing as last year with trying to design a new product every day, slash painting something every day. So either or. So quick note to some of the things I’ll be designing. It’s not like I’m going to be painting something new every single day. Sometimes I’ll be using artwork that I’ve already created. Like I have so much artwork, you guys. I’m like I even wrote down notes. I’m like, okay, I want to use the bird that I painted for this suite or like this golden retriever. Like I have all these notes and use this artwork for something.

So it’s just like random notes here and there. So I can just kind of pick and choose. But I know some people will are doing like they have a list of exactly what they’re going to do that day. So if you’re like a more structured person that works for you, that’s totally cool too. 

What are some other ideas for the challenge?

Cami 8:55

Some of the things I’ve seen people doing are really ambitious. Some people are going to be sketching an invitation suite every day, which I’m like y’all are wild with like color palette and everything like that is great. Very impressive if you can do that. Awesome. Some people are going to be sewing something every day. Some people are just doing like a workout every day or walking 30 minutes trying a new recipe. I’ve seen a lot of people doing like line illustrations every single day.

One of our favorite product photographers, she is going to be styling something every single day with them something from her garden every single day to practice photography of another photographer, she’s doing a self portrait every single day. Someone is going to be emailing a wholesale account every single day to try to get in their shop.Someone’s designing a sticker every single day, doing calligraphy every single day, making patterns with florals every day. I mean, there are so many cool things you can do. So really, the sky’s the limit on that. Yeah, just pick something that you’re super duper passionate about that you love. 

How is Elisabeth Approaching #ONEADAYINMAY This Year

Elisabeth 11:37

And for me, I’m mainly just so excited because I have my glowforge now, so I’m cutting something on my glowforge every single day. Yep, and I have a list of like well over 30 things now but I have to say that I’m most excited about is Brittany from paper Betty. And Jackie told me she submitted she was like you should do like miniatures for doll houses. And I was like, oh, literally just totally freaked out. So like little mini artwork and then potentially like little like benches or I don’t know, like coat racks. I don’t know. There’s so many different things. I feel like that I could end up doing like a hat rack, like a little mini hat rack for a dollhouse. Oh my god did someone else like my friends who are over for dinner the other night was like you should do like punch out greeting cards. So like where it’s cut or kind of like scored and then they can like punch it out to assemble like a paper airplane or assemble out of paper. Yeah. So I was like, okay, that’s cool that that isn’t really something I thought I’m gonna do. I’m gonna start it off. 

Using #ONEADAYINMAY to Get Visible and Pull Each Other Up The Ladder

Cami 16:15

I had a couple other artists message me who participated last year. And they’re like, you know, I cannot wait for #oneadayinmay this year. Like last year, I did it with you. And I was kind of a newer, like a newer baby business, and you shared my stuff in your stories, and I got so many new clients and met so many other artists friends. So it was like really great exposure for me to do this. And it made a huge difference in my business. Like, there, I got two or three messages like that, like you sharing this and making this a thing it like, really helped my visibility. So that’s another like little perk of it, you guys because I do share people’s stories in my, in my stories as well. I try not to do like a bajillion stories. But, you know, every day, I’ll try to go through and be like, well, the whip so and so’s made or like, every couple days, it really is fun. It’s really inspiring for me. And I just like, I love seeing that you guys make. So it is cool. And yeah, people are looking at the hash, people are following along, even if they’re not actively participating, like the more of us who keep talking about it and making it into this big deal. Like the more people are gonna take notice and you know, their strength in numbers and so it only helps everyone. 

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