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Our Top 3 Favorite Business Books (And Other Books We Love!)

March 24, 2020

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Our Top 3 Favorite Business Books.jpg

Love to read? If so, this episode is for you because we’re sharing our top 3 holy-grail business books along with our personal favorite fun reads. Listen in to hear our key takeaways so that you can figure out which books are best suited for where you’re at in your own creative biz journey.

Don’t worry about taking notes. You can find all of the books we mentioned in today’s episode here –

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Elisabeth’s Favorite Business Books

1. Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

This book helps you connect with customers to give you the ultimate competitive advantage, and teaches you how to help customers understand the benefit of using your products, ideas, services, etc. It’s great if you’re stuck on how to write compelling copy for your business. 

2. Launch by Jeff Walker

Cami and Elisabeth call this book  their “launch bible” because they refer to it so frequently when developing their own business strategies. Basically, it teaches you how to launch ANYTHING with basic psychology principles and email strategies.

Cami’s Favorite Business Books

2. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

This book is basically the ultimate guide on how to get rid of “busyness” and get focused. If you get frustrated that you’re not progressing on larger projects, you’ll love this book

2. The E Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About it by Micheal E. Gerber

This book is great for the budding entrepreneur because it breaks down how to work ON your business instead of IN your business. It’s a great overview of core business strategies. It’s kind of like the guide to all the basic fundamentals that we often overlook because we are working so hard on day-to-day tasks in our businesses!

3. What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done by Matt Pernan

Cami recommends this book to anyone who is facing any sort of overwhelm in life. This book is unique because it’s faith-based and covers productivity from a biblical perspective. 

Want to know what Cami and Elisabeth are dying to read next? Want to check out their personal favorites as well?

Find all of their must-reads here-

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