
Secret’s for a Successful Product Launch 

June 8, 2021

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Are you gearing up for a product launch? If so, this episode is for you! Listen in as Cami uncovers the tactics that she used to double her launch day sales over Christmas and sell out her Star-Spangled Summer Collection. Not only is she chatting about the launch strategies that have worked really well for her but she’s also getting real about some of the lessons she learned and launch mistakes she’s made in the past. Grab a notebook for this one— you’re going to need it!

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Secret’s for a Successful Product Launch 

Anchor to a holiday (or season, etc.)

Not only does this make your messaging much easier, but you also have the hype of that upcoming holiday to mix into your launch, and as small business owners, we need all the extra hype we can get!! PLUS it gives your customers instant connectivity to your products. Instead of just “oh that’s cute and fun” it becomes “oh that’s cute and fun, and I’ll use it for Thanksgiving!” This is more of a nuance-y thing, and not as important, but I’ll be planning it all. my launches with this in mind from here on out because every time I tie it to a holiday, it has more impact.

Invite your audience in.

One of the mistakes I used to make when launching was keeping everything TOP SECRET until launch day. I thought that I had to launch all of my products at once. Because of this, didn’t share any sneak peeks leading up to my launch. 

A better strategy would have been to share sneak peeks and invite my audience into the making of the process.

I did NOT do this for my Christmas launch, but I did this for my Fourth of July launch. I had the mindset of “why show it if they can’t buy it right away?” but that anticipation makes them want to buy even more! It’s like putting a piece of cake in front of someone and saying you can eat this tomorrow, and they stare at it all day, and then gobble it down the second you say “go” hahaha. Draw out the suspense!

Use The Countdown Feature on Instagram

Every day of the week or so before the launch, I want you to be so freaking annoying about your countdown, that you are just like, I hate countdowns by the end of the launch.

If you share the countdown once or twice a day, you get so much hype on it. People get excited. They share it on their stories and say things like, “Oh, I can’t wait for this!” So, use that countdown feature on Instagram, it’s a great tool we have to use to build up buzz before our launches. 

Take advantage of the magic of influencer marketing strategy.

This can be as simple as having three friends sharing about your products on launch day. The trick to get them your products early so they can talk about them in their own way and do organic videos! This is actually a double-whammy strategy because I want you to also get feedback from them? How are they using the thing? Is there something they would change? What’s something they love about it? Having these conversations and built-in feedback will help you refine the product AND have really good messaging about it because you know what consumers love about it!!

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