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The Magic of Affiliate Links

March 10, 2020

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the magic of affiliate links1.jpg

How can affiliate links benefit your creative biz? Today, we’re chatting about where to find the best affiliate opportunities. We’re also sharing tips on developing an affiliate marketing strategy that fits seamlessly with your brand. Because the last thing you want to do is spam your audience with sales-y content. So listen in to learn about how you can work your affiliate links into your marketing strategy in a way that doesn’t feel icky and that benefits both you and your audience. 

Let’s be friends! Find us on Instagram @bizbirthdaybash. For all show notes please visit  

Where to Start 

A-Z Directory Affiliate 

We offer an affiliate opportunity for members of the A-Z Directory. With this, you earn 30% on all referrals you send to the directory. You MUST be a member to take advantage of this opportunity. This is an easy way to pay off your yearly membership fee! 

Affiliate Links that Elisabeth & Cami Use or Have Used 

  • Amazon

  • Quickbooks Self-employed 

  • Skillshare

  • Ship Station

  • Flo Desk

  • Dubsado

  • Skillshare

  • ShareaSale — Different companies offer opportunities here

Developing a Revenue-Generating Affiliate Marketing Strategy 

  1. Look at the products you love. Do they offer affiliate programs? 

  2. Once you find the affiliate programs, set aside some time to sign up for them and understand how they work. Create google document that houses all of your affiliate links in one place. This makes them easy to grab and share as needed. 

  3. Figure out how you want to promote the service or product. Are you posting on Facebook or Instagram? Are you emailing your audience? Are you writing a blog post or making a YouTube video? Definitely consider creating a resource page on your website. 

  4. The more you talk about the service/product, the more people will remember it and be willing to try it! Nothing is better than having someone come to you and ask, “what’s your code again”?? 

  5. Genuinely talk about the product when you have the opportunity! Make it feel as natural as possible with what’s going on in your day and what you’re doing for work. For example, around tax season, Elisabeth talks about QuickBooks Self Employed a lot! 

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