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How to Go Full-Time with Your Biz

January 1, 2019

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It’s one of our most asked questions, and we get it: it can be super scary to think about quitting your job and going full-time! So how did we make the leap? Both of us have very different stories and very different paths (Elisabeth planned her departure; I was abruptly let go from my job – Cami), and in this episode, we share all the things we knew and wish we knew when we said sayonara to the corporate world.

Things You Should Have in Place before Going Full-time

  • An audience that you have built up

  • Your own website

  • Bookkeeping systems. (Elisabeth uses Quickbooks, and you can get 50% off your first year with this link! Cami uses GoDaddy Bookkeeping.)

  • Separate bank account for your biz

  • Income anchors

  • Business registration and sales tax license (Psst … need help on how to do this? Download our Top 100 Tips and Tricks Every Creative Biz Owner Needs to Know. It’s totally FREE!)

  • A way to take payments (We recommend Dubsado! Use code BIZBIRTHDAYBASH for 20% off your first month or year!)

When do you know you’re ready to go full-time?

  • You feel like you’ve plateaued in terms of scaling your biz and you literally cannot grow without putting more hours into it

  • You are spending all your spare time working in your side-hustle

  • You have consistent orders/income

  • You have the foundations listed above in place

  • If you made NOTHING for the first 3 months, you would still be okay

  • You have a plan/potential for growth opportunities

  • You are pricing for profits and not just pay

  • You are self-motivated. (This is absolutely essential; we can’t stress this enough!)

  • You can beat what you were making in your full-time position or make enough to make a comfortable living. (This is a good time to KNOW your numbers.)

  • You understand that there is not just one way to do everything and you are resourceful enough to make it happen without direction

  • You are prepared to become BFFs with Google

  • You have researched all your hidden expenses so there won’t be any surprises

While there never will be a perfectly-aligned, “right” time to go full-time, the biggest advice we can give you is JUST DO IT! And of course, we are here to help you however you can in your creative biz journey. Submit your questions here at Q & Cake, and we’ll answer them on air in a future episode of the podcast. Now go get ‘em tiger.

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