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Taking a Summer Break!

June 30, 2020

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Taking an intentional break from social media

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It’s officially hot girl summer, so listen in as we deliver a sizzling BBB Summer update. (NOBODY PANIC! We ain’t going anywhere 😉 Plus, we’re going off this cuff in this episode and chatting about the #oneadayinmay product challenge and our recent escapades with a super cute stray kitten. (You know, the pressing matters.)

Sending y’all lots of love and REST this summer as we take a break! Now, can you pass the margaritas?

P.S. Don’t forget to visit to let us know what topics you would like us to cover on the show in the future!

Let’s be friends! Find us on Instagram @bizbirthdaybash. 

One a Day in May Challenge

Cami 7:14

So we can talk about one a day in May because that was super fun that happened a month ago or so. So if you guys were following along on Instagram, I did this thing called one day may with Cami Monet. We’ll recap the idea from Katherine, who we had on the show of kitty meow boutique, and basically creating one product a day for the month of May. And it was so fun because so many of y’all did it too. And it was kind of like this whole like, design Blitz and like creativity Blitz to just like, push yourself to finish something once a day. And honestly, I learned so much for myself with like creativity and like how I work and like pushing the limits to like, see what I’m actually capable of. And now I want to do this Like every other month, like, I’m not even kidding, Elisabeth, like, I had so much fun doing it.

I felt like I needed it. Sometimes it’s nice to put guidelines for yourself in order to actually like, get something done. You know what I mean? Because it can be super loose being your own boss. So when you had like, this pressure and people watching you, I mean, there was like, not that many people watch me but you know what I mean? Like you hold yourself accountable, accountable when you have something on Instagram that you’re talking about. So I was like, okay, gotta do it. Gotta do it. And like, even though each product every single day, like one might have not been like the greatest thing I’ve ever created, but everything I’ve created and one day has sold, so at least there’s that there’s not one product that’s like still sitting there like everything is has sold at least one or two or one or two of. So it’s been good, but I feel like having those moments to push yourself are really, really helpful too.

Elisabeth 8:48

Yeah, I definitely agree that once you like set that parameter for yourself, it was definitely like hard to stick to in some senses because you’re like, gosh, I have to do one every single day. But I feel like the more Do you like flex that muscle and the more you did it, it became easier along the way. Definitely like I feel like I even like created like a whole new like card template for myself but just like you know basically like when I started the did the little penguin birthday one you know and I was like I like the way this looks and then I just kind of created some along the same thing. So it wasn’t even like reinventing the wheel but just like swapping out the animal for something else. And making like a totally different design from like a design template I created for myself. Does that mean yes.

Elisabeth 9:26

Yeah, I definitely agree that that you have kind of like a couple different templates like some of them have the watercolor script, you have them have the watercolor black letters then some of them have just like really simple Sarah type and without with an animal on it. So yeah, you kind of have these like little different like design categories now which is like so helpful for you to be able to just plug in things going forward. Yeah, makes it super easy.

What to do if you’ll miss us during our summer break!

This is the shameless side plug you guys really quick because that’s what we do on the show. If you really do feel like you’re gonna miss us a ton this summer, we do still do our monthly power hours in the birthday bash A-Z Directory Facebook group. So yeah, join in on that, because you just you’re gonna miss so much. We will still do our live q&a s on there. So I’m just throwing that out there. I just randomly popped my head. So yes, absolutely. I agree. And let me see Cammy I can’t remember if we have a coupon or not. So I’m gonna check on that for everybody. Okay, I think we do have a podcast coupon. I think we do.

A-Z Directory Use Code Podcast2020 for $20 off!

Why We’re Taking a Break

Cami 18:55

We do we want to take the time to kind of refocus the direction of where things are going with Biz Birthday Bash and figure out awesome new offerings for you guys because like, anything we do, we like to do it with, like the best to our ability like with excellence, so we don’t just like to, you know, have anything so we want to make sure we’re doing really great things for you guys. And we’ll probably be sending out a survey at some point just to like ask you guys like where’s your business going? Like how can we serve you? How can we help and like figure out you know, where we can best provide resources and advice and help for you guys so we’re just gonna take that time to do that and it’s gonna be fantastic and then we’ll just come back bigger and better than ever.

Find the survey and let us know what you want to hear on The Biz Birthday Bash Podcast here!

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